About, Bio, Interesting Things, My Contribution to Science, Press Releases

15 years ago… I found the gene for a muscular dystrophy…

petit prince


Yep. That’s me.

I’ve been all my life very modest and proud about this.

I say to myself that I did contribute to science. I contributed to basic science, public and global health and to humanity. It’s out there.

I wish I could do more, but I did my best.





Le Colibris tire son nom d’une légende amérindienne:

Un jour, dit la légende, il y eut un immense incendie de forêt. Tous les animaux terrifiés, atterrés, observaient impuissants le désastre. Seul le petit colibri s’activait, allant chercher quelques gouttes avec son bec pour les jeter sur le feu. Après un moment, le tatou, agacé par cette agitation dérisoire, lui dit : « Colibri ! Tu n’es pas fou ? Ce n’est pas avec ces gouttes d’eau que tu vas éteindre le feu ! »

Et le colibri lui répondit :« Je le sais, mais je fais ma part. »

Articles, Bio, Interesting Things, My Contribution to Science

Conference of Universities for Global Health 2015

Just attended the Conference of Universities for Global Health 2015 in Boston MA (USA). I was invited by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, headquarters of the UJMT consortium for Fogarty Global Health Fellowship Program. I made a presentation on my work in Ghana. That conference was an eye opening for me on how much more work has to be done in the field of global health.

About, Articles, Bio, Interesting Things, My Contribution to Science

Well here we are on the “post” fellowship.

Ghana experience was GREAT!!!!

Wait let me insist, it was Amazing!!

The overall experience was priceless! I feel like I have accomplished so much in 11 months. I cannot thank enough the Fogarty Global Health program for allowing me this opportunity.


I came back to Morehouse School of Medicine and am now working on endometriosis micro-RNA profiling. I am also helping in the establishment of a tissue repository for women health. In my evenings and free time, I work on the malaria and sickle cell samples doing mainly RT-qPCR and statistics. I want to publish my data ASAP so I can move on with my grant writing.


I advise everyone who is interested in global health to apply to the Fogarty Global Health Fellowship program #FGHF with no hesitation. This is a very good way to get involved in the field, get international experience and especially help concretely people in need! Cause this is the main goal after all!!

