About, Bio

Interview a Scientist

1. How did you get interested in science and research?

Science has always been my passion since I was a child. My parents used to receive a magazine called science & life, which I devoured every time. My brother and I always did those kitchen science experiments and we were always very curious about things. It was my second grade teacher who helped me develop that passion. She taught us a lot about ecology and the natural world as well as the protection of the environment. High school is where I discovered my passion for molecular biology and genetics. In Biology class, I learned about plasmid constructs that give resistance to antibiotics, and I thought, “Yes, this is exactly what I want to learn.”

2. What attracted you to the field in which you’re currently working?

I graduated from the Faculty of Science of Tunis (Tunisia) with a bachelor’s degree in Natural Science. Due to my interest in research and genetics, I chose to do a master’s program in Genetics and Molecular Biology at the National Institute of Neurology of Tunis. In my research, I looked at a particular form of Muscular Dystrophy, Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophy (LGMD). For this study, I used genetic linkage analysis on DNA samples from patients and their family members to exclude all known genetic LGMDs. After getting a Masters of Science, I started a PhD program, in collaboration with the Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital in Paris (France) and the National Institute of Neurosciences in Tokyo (Japan). The genetic study identified for the first time a mutation in the Fukutin Related Protein (FKRP) gene that causes LGMD2I on chromosome 19q13.3.

My PhD led me to a postdoctoral fellowship at Emory University (Atlanta, GA). I mostly worked on inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) as well as colon and breast cancer. My second postdoctoral fellowship was at Morehouse School of Medicine (MSM, Atlanta, GA) studying patients with Sickle Cell Disease (SCD). My interest in hemoglobinopathies shifted to studying how host genetic polymorphisms affect infectious diseases like Plasmodium malaria parasite pathogenesis.

In summary, my research interests have changed quite a bit throughout my career, but I’ve stayed focused on the genetic diversity between diseases.

3. What schools did you attend on your way to becoming a professional scientist?

  • Faculty of Sciences of Tunis (Tunisia): BS in Natural Sciences, MS in Genetics and Molecular Biology, PhD in Biology.
  • National Institute of Neurology of Tunis, Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital in Paris (France) and the National Institute of Neurosciences in Tokyo (Japan): practical for MS and PhD.

4. Did you do a post-doctoral fellowship? If so, where and what was that like?

  • Emory University School of Medicine: 1st postdoc
  • MSM: 2nd Postdoc.
  • University of Ghana: Fogarty Global Health Fellowship. 

It was a long and bumpy ride. Everything depends on the PI. Postdocs are temporary jobs that aren’t secure. You need a PI who will be a mentor, not just your boss.

5. Were there any particular strengths and weaknesses at your training institutions that you remember?

Having a reliable mentor is a strength as a postdoc. Funding and job stability are always the biggest weaknesses in this field. 

6. What do you consider to be the most important question your research is trying to answer?

How do extracellular vesicle-associated microRNAs play a role in hemolytic anemia disorders (like malaria and sickle cell)? These studies will help develop new microRNA biomarkers for chronic inflammation of sickle cell disease and malaria therapeutic targets.

7. What methods are you currently using to answer that question?

We are using specific microRNAs encapsulated into extracellular Vesicules (EVs) to characterise the role and the effects on malaria parasites in vitro (On cells and parasites cultures) and in vivo (on mice). 

8. In your work do you collaborate with other scientists-at MSM?-at other institutions?

This isn’t something we can do alone. We need to collaborate with other researchers, hospitals, doctors, community organizers, local, regional, national and international institutions… 

9. How many papers did you publish last year? How does this number relate to the type of work you do? How do you balance number and quality of your publications?

In the last year I have published 5 full research articles published in high impact factor peer reviewed journals, 2 as a last and corresponding author, one as a second author and two as a co-author.

It’s an exciting number because it’s outstanding.

Journal impact factors (IF) determine the quality of publications. IF here varies from 2.6 to 12.07

10. What are your major sources of funding for your research?

Major funding comes from the NIH.

11. How much research funding do you currently have? When does your current funding end?

Every year is a new year.

12. How many graduate students do you currently have and how many have you had in the past? What kind of publication record have students had while under your direction? What do you think are key factors in students having the opportunity to publish their work while in training?

I have one graduate student under my direction and I’ve had one before. My former graduate student graduated with 3 first author papers and 3 co-authored papers. Now she’s working on another 1st author article, based on her research results she did while under my mentorship.

The key is to stay on track, follow your mentor’s instructions, work hard and with enthusiasm, and never give up. 

13. If you’ve had students who have graduated, what are they doing now?

She is working as a parasitologist at the CDC.

14. Have any of your previous students received outside fellowship funding for their work – if so, from what sources? Are you willing to help new students obtain that kind of funding?

She obtained 2 times the TL1 fellowship from the CTSA. My current student received the RISE fellowship from MSM and will also apply for the TL1 fellowship.

15. Who do you consider your most important mentors in your development as a professional scientist? What key take-home messages did you learn from them?

Dr. Stiles played a huge role in my career development. His advice helped me get funding to pursue my career in this field. The key take-home message is: work hard, don’t rely on anyone but your hard work, and follow the advice of a good mentor when it comes to your career. 

16. What characteristics do you think contribute to being a good mentor?

You need a mentor who’ll help you grow in your career. Good communication and chemistry are key.

17. What characteristics do you think contribute to being a good graduate student?

Diligent work, trust, and commitment.

About, Bio

Leading Emerging and Diverse Scientists to Success (LEADS) Program

I was featured the Scholar of the Month on the LEADS newsletter August 2020! Check it out HERE.
Adel Driss

I am an alumni of the 1st cohort of the LEADS Program in 2017. This program was very helpful for me. It trained me to focalize my research, especially for grant writing, career coaching and development and even towards travel awards to assist to different meetings in my field. They have a very competent leadership team who were always here to assist me in all the difficult steps of advancement in my career as a researcher. We have a regular annual summit, which is the occasion to meet the new cohors of scholar, to present our work and to interact with career coach mentors and grant writing assistance, like grant mock review and step-by-step assistance.

This program was very supportive for me and I am very grateful to be part of the Alumni scholars. I wish there was more resources like this one available in this rocky and challenging field of translational research, especially for minority and underrepresented young and new investigators.

For more information on this program, check their website. This is their description: LEADS is an innovative, year-long program in Translational Research designed to meet the unique needs of junior faculty and postdocs at partnering Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs) who belong to underrepresented groups, as defined by the National Institutes of Health. Scholars will develop skills in multiple areas including grant writing and team science, which are essential to launching a successful biomedical research career.

About, Bio, My Contribution to Science

From Global Health Fellow to International Research Scientist

For me, the UJMT Fogarty Global Health Fellowship Program was literally the exclusive opportunity that launched my career in Global Health research. Several key factors that this program offered were determinant to success in my career in this field. Those key factors are:

Funding: UJMT-FGHF in addition of my paid my full salary with benefits, I received some funding for my research project and that was really important to have those minimum funding to generate preliminary data for allowing me to submit subsequent grant applications.

Time commitment: UJMT-FGHF secured the exact right amount of time commitment to travel abroad, not too short, not too long, for accomplishing the preliminary data acquisition.

Mentorship: Perhaps the most important aspect of the fellowship is the exposure to invaluable professional networks during the program. That was what helped me to keep in focus and never give up. This is also what kept me going on (mentally, professionally and including financially) beyond the award period. This step is the only step that no matter what amount of funding you receive, good mentors are primordial for the career development and engage in challenging, varied and interesting work field.

The bottom line is that this program developed the backbone of my career development grant application. I obtained the Fogarty’s International Research Scientist Development Award (IRSDA). Which I would have never received it if it wasn’t for the “small” boosting help that UJMT gave me. I am very thankful. This changed my life for good. And now it’s time for me to give forward and to make a difference in the world not only through my research and public health contribution, but also through being a good mentor in my turn.


About, Bio, Interesting Things, My Contribution to Science, Press Releases

15 years ago… I found the gene for a muscular dystrophy…

petit prince


Yep. That’s me.

I’ve been all my life very modest and proud about this.

I say to myself that I did contribute to science. I contributed to basic science, public and global health and to humanity. It’s out there.

I wish I could do more, but I did my best.





Le Colibris tire son nom d’une légende amérindienne:

Un jour, dit la légende, il y eut un immense incendie de forêt. Tous les animaux terrifiés, atterrés, observaient impuissants le désastre. Seul le petit colibri s’activait, allant chercher quelques gouttes avec son bec pour les jeter sur le feu. Après un moment, le tatou, agacé par cette agitation dérisoire, lui dit : « Colibri ! Tu n’es pas fou ? Ce n’est pas avec ces gouttes d’eau que tu vas éteindre le feu ! »

Et le colibri lui répondit :« Je le sais, mais je fais ma part. »

About, Articles, Bio, Interesting Things, My Contribution to Science

Well here we are on the “post” fellowship.

Ghana experience was GREAT!!!!

Wait let me insist, it was Amazing!!

The overall experience was priceless! I feel like I have accomplished so much in 11 months. I cannot thank enough the Fogarty Global Health program for allowing me this opportunity.


I came back to Morehouse School of Medicine and am now working on endometriosis micro-RNA profiling. I am also helping in the establishment of a tissue repository for women health. In my evenings and free time, I work on the malaria and sickle cell samples doing mainly RT-qPCR and statistics. I want to publish my data ASAP so I can move on with my grant writing.


I advise everyone who is interested in global health to apply to the Fogarty Global Health Fellowship program #FGHF with no hesitation. This is a very good way to get involved in the field, get international experience and especially help concretely people in need! Cause this is the main goal after all!!


About, Articles, Bio, Interesting Things, My Contribution to Science

Fogarty Global Health Fellowship Program: My experience in Ghana.

Hi Folks,          Adel Driss Working in Ghana  5

My name is Dr. Adel Driss and I am a Fogarty Global Health Fellow from the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill, Johns Hopkins University, Morehouse School of Medicine and Tulane University Consortium. This prestigious and selective program provided me an opportunity for training in global health research in a low and middle income country, which is Ghana. This 11-month-long mentored clinical research training program is sponsored by the Fogarty International Center and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Heart, Lung and Blood Institute.

I am currently conducting an epidemiology analysis on malaria resistance at the Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research at the University of Ghana, in collaboration with the Korle-bu Teaching Hospital in Accra. Before enrolling in this fellowship, I was part of the “Genomics and Hemoglobinopathies Program”, which is a NIH funded research project, focused on applying genomics methods on diseases related to hemoglobin such as sickle cell disease, thalassemia and malaria. I also taught biochemistry and genetics courses for the Morehouse School of Medicine Graduate Program and I am currently an advisor for an MPH-epidemiology student at Emory’s Prestigious Rollins School of Public Health.

CAM01786-1I arrived in Ghana in February 2014. It was the first time I had been in Sub-Saharan Africa. Being half African myself (Tunisian), I was sure the cultural shock would be minimal or easily dispensed. In the beginning housing was a little tricky, especially since I did not have a car. In Accra a car or a scooter is a must! However, the people I met were naturally accommodating. I was so happy to find that it is extremely easy to make friends! I have joined a running group and do some volunteer work.  Also, I was welcomed here by my host institute and by everyone in the scientific and medical communities.

There are always several challenges in establishing an international scientific collaboration such as what I am doing. In a nutshell, I initiated a patients’ recruitment protocol to collect and process blood samples from sickle cell and malaria patients and healthy controls at Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital. In tandem, I established a basic science laboratory unit at the Noguchi Memorial Institute, about 20 miles away from the hospital (about 2 hours by car – traffic in Accra makes Atlanta rush hour seem like a motor car race! After living in Atlanta for 11 years, I never thought I would say that!). I also ensured that I had the ethical clearances and the reagents and materials accordingly organized. I implicated strategic laboratories and key collaborators to take part in the study. So far I have collected about 400 samples in these few months–which is extraordinary given the number of things I must do with each patient sample. For example, from each sample, I collect plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells, DNA, RNA, total blood filter papers stains, consent forms, detailed severity and history questionnaires, total blood count, parasite count and hemoglobin status.

Adel Driss Working in Ghana  1Additionally, I am also involved in the finding and characterization of serum microRNA infected with Mycrobacterium ulcerans (Buruli Ulcer) in the Ghanaian population. Buruli ulcer mainly affects the skin in mostly children under 15 years of age who live in poor rural communities. It is one of the 17 neglected tropical diseases. Patients who are not treated early suffer long-term functional disability. Along with the team I am working with, I have written and submitted a grant, and we are writing a new epidemiology article on the bacterium.

I have been extremely fortunate to have worked with fabulous teams here in Ghana. Together we have created a successful patients’ recruitment program, and we are now starting the actual molecular screening of genetic variations in that population. I could not do this without the assistance of Ghanaian people. There is such a potential to discover and to help. It really is worth the collaboration. Leadership, diplomacy and scientific integrity are key ingredients for the success of this mission and with the modest resources that I had, I was able manage it accordingly.Adel Driss Working in Ghana  4

This has been a wonderful experience. I feel that I accomplished something much more important than just a fellowship. I feel proud of all my friends and colleagues here. I would definitely recommend anyone to explore all that Africa—especially Ghana—has to offer. Fogarty Global Health Fellowship Program has several mentored programs in several African and low/middle income countries. If you have a chance, DO IT!!

With all this, I am also remotely volunteering with The Carter Center in Atlanta GA. Nowadays the world has become a village with new technologies and the internet. I have been volunteering there since 2008. I first started as a gardening volunteer and absolutely loved it. However I have since taken over the Volunteer Newsletter. I also help the Democracy Programs out with their translations as I am fluent in Arabic, French, Italian and English.  I’m also learning Spanish and Croatian since I am Croatian (European Union) and Tunisian (Africa) and hopefully soon US. I would have loved to meet The Carter Center interns and staff helping out in Ghana, but they are apparently far from Accra, in remote and difficult areas of the country.

I hope that The Carter Center is able to expand its health programs into malaria or buruli ulcer eradication now that the Guinea Worm Eradication Program is winding down. Since I have formed life-long connections to the individuals here in Ghana and have immense communicable disease knowledge, I would love to help and be a part of those programs!

I am anticipating to share the multitude of knowledge that I have gleaned from the Fogarty Program with others in order to improve the welfare of those suffering from communicable diseases. A career in the Global Health Sciences will allow me to help improve the human condition. So far it has been quite difficult to find a more stable position, but I am positive that I will be able to find one soon.

Carry on and do good work!



